Whats new on mozilla firefox 61.0 ??? before you download and install mozilla firefox 61.0 , you must know whats new on mozillah 61.0.
Enhanced performance:
Faster sheet rendering with Quantum CSS improvements and the pristine retained show slant feature
Sooner switching between tabs by Windows and Linux
WebExtensions instantly scurry in their identifiable deal with resting on MacOS
Convenient access to additional exploration engines: You can at this moment add explore engines to the address rod “Search with” tool as of the summon action menu when resting on a webpage that provides an OpenSearch plugin
Share relations from Firefox for MacOS added easily: You can at the present reveal the URL of an active tab from the page proceedings menu in the address bar
Improved security:
On-by-default support on behalf of the latest flow of air of the TLS 1.3 specification
Access to FTP subresources inside http(s) pages has been blocked
A added consistent customer experience: Improvements for dim theme sustain crossways the complete Firefox user interface
File Installation : 34.64 MB
For english language, you can download from the link https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-latest-ssl&os=win&lang=en-US .
For Other language, you can visit this https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/