
Increase Google Adsense Revenue With Blocking Ads Lower CTR

Google Adsense is a PPC (Pay Per Click) program from Google is trusted or not spam. With this reason many more people (weblog) will become Google Adsense Publisher. Beside that, income from Google Adsense very promising. In the post, ical will sharing to you, how to increase revenue (income) from Google Adsense with filtering (block) ads, where block ads is a fasility from Google Adsense, residence is used as needed and certainly to increase income.

Ad blocks is the process of site specific ads to appear on the blog or your website, where the site is on the block is a site that has a lower click value, because there are many other ads from Google Adsense that may have a high click values​​.

This time I will share the list of urls that are considered to have lower click value. For those interested, please download via the this link.

How to use.
  1. Please login to your account.
  2. If use Google Adsense V3, please click Allow & block ads tab, please see image below.
  3. Allow & Block Ads - Google Adsense V3
  4. After that, choose your product (feed, search, mobile, content) for apply ads blocking.
  5. Allow & Block Ads For Content Product

    Paste List Url to Blocking ads
  6. Now, you have been blocked ads with lower click value.
Having already done step by step, now you just need to monitor the earning Google Adsense income to ensure improvement.Good Luck.

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