Steps Make Autoblog With Blogger if you want to post material shortages or have special purposes, as with the Make Autoblog With Blogger has many functions. Besides having many functions, Make Autoblog With Blogger also choose a lot of shortcomings. Well here ical will discuss how to build Autoblog With Blogger, deficiency, excess.
Step by Step to make autoblog with blogger
- Sign up to blogger use new email account, don't use your primary email account. Email can from yahoo or google
- After you have finished, edit template for good performa .
- After design template has been nice view, now to next step is setting for autopost to blog with use blogger facility is posting via email. Click Setting tab, email & mobile , scrool until get email posting address, field form with secret word. See picture below.
- After setting finished, note the email earlier, example
- posting auto melalui email setting have been created, next, search blog target to subcribed his feed site as material for posting your blog.
- Blog with Autoblog will be update with post which come from other's blog haved subcribed their feed site
- If you knows about seo, chances are you may exceed the actual blog on search engine positioning.
- Content that you pick out a small portion of other blogs, you can re-arrange so that will be unique articles unique articles which will impact the future good for the auto blog.
- All incoming email going to happen automatically publish, so if someone else asks for a password reset for your email, then email and your blog will be gone in an instant.
- copy and paste activity, position in search engine will not be too good, and in the eyes of bloggers also seemed not to appreciate our fellow bloggers post, but this was mostly done by fellow bloggers. So please try it for that need.
- Take a look at the picture above (the picture setting posts via email), there is a choice publish, that email will go directly terpublish or incoming email is stored in the first draft, so if you are in doubt, you should just use the draft post option. But this requires 2 times the work you need to publish every post that goes.
- Remember that email is used for subscription of new email, do not use the email you use for the main blog, just in case the abolition blogger account.